Monday, February 9, 2015


Hi Long Time No See!
I Have been on Hiatus because I've been out of Town and Haven't Bought any New Dolls. I am Saving Up For My First Pullip! Trying to Decide Between These 3 any Suggestions?
Lunatic Queen

Byul Cheshire Cat

Midnight Velvet
Aside From that I will Be Doing Reviews on The Ghoul Sports Line and Legacy Day Maddie and Ashlynn Very Soon!


  1. I hope your beginning of the year has gone well. : >
    I love Lunatic Queen's eyes. Byul is kinda hard to see under the costume, but I guess the hair looks cute. My vote would fall for the Midnight Velvet, I think she's gorgeous. *w* <3

  2. You have one very hard decission there to make--the last one has the prittiest face in my oppinion, and the first one has trully cool outfit--the one in the middle is simpply cute
    At least, you won't miss, whichever one you buy
    good luck

  3. Midnight Velvet is just spectacular! If I were you, I would choose her ;) Lunatic Queen would be my second choice.
    I can't wait for the MH & EAH reviews! :)
