Sunday, December 1, 2013

Photoshoot With I ♥ Fashion Scarah,Clawdeen and the Ghouls

Since I will be gone for a Week and will prbly be getting more dolls by then I decided instead of doing a review how about a Photoshoot?
So I have Scarah and Clawdeen showing off their newest fashions along with Venus,Scaris Lala,Gloom beach Clawdeen and DOTD Clawdeen.

First off I just wanted to talk about Scarah's hair. it came a mess in the box so I redid it. here is how it looked after I teased it.
Banshee indeed!
and After

I just used a Comb to make the curls go in the right Direction and hairspray. 
also Braided one side of Clawdeen's hair.
I love the black underneath and her Dark Makeup!
Now onto the Fashion!
Starting With Scarah,super Excited that I have her!
Decided to try a Spin on Scarah's Main outfit,Headband is Ghoulia's 

Love the Jacket and The Green Version of Frankie's Purse! 

Looking Very Chic

I don't Find her No eyes Creepy,she's a Banshee!
Now Here is her other two Fashion's on Lala and Venus.
 I love how the Tights look like you can see her skin through them but it's just Green cloth. 
Shoes are From Lagoona and Belt is Bratz.
She looks pretty good!

Draculaura looks cute in this Dress though it's a bit short

 it's Amazing what hair down can do,I was ready to sell her until I took her hair out of that ponytail!

Now onto Clawdeen!
Her hair and Face are amazing she reminds me of Wave 1!
I also like how each of those tiny Black Bracelets are separate.

if anyone is wondering her Pants are Not Jean.

 Break Dance Time!

Now to the other Clawdeen's!
DOTD looks Hawt in this Dress but the skirt part is a Pain to keep down and it's super Tight!

I LOVE this Graphic Top and hope they make more!

Gloom Beach looks like she's ready to go party!

And that's all on them! Hope you liked it!
this is one of My Favorite Line's as it has so many Outfits and Accessories and the Dolls always look awesome! I hope in the Future we See one's of Wydowna and Howleen!

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